Counterparty Exposure - how do you measure up?

Whilst the largest banks invest in sophisticated techniques for measuring counterparty exposure, CVA and regulatory capital, a simpler approach may be appropriate for many institutions. Our white paper “Counterparty Exposure – Sometimes simple is good enough” explores the factors which an institution should consider when determining the most appropriate methodology.


Read White Paper

Benchmark your Institution

To accompany the white paper InteDelta has put together a survey which will allow contributors to benchmark their organisations. The survey will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and InteDelta will provide feedback to participants on how their institution’s methodologies compare against market best practice, taking into account the business, size and sophistication of operations.

Participate in Survey

About InteDelta

InteDelta helps financial institutions implement risk management best practice. Combining a structured consulting approach with subject matter expertise, we work with our global client base to align with industry standards. Our areas of expertise cover the major risks faced by financial institutions: credit, market, liquidity and operational risk, alongside niche specialisms such as collateral management. Our clients have a global spread, ranging from some of the world’s largest banks and asset managers to developing market banks, hedge funds and risk software vendors.

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